Firstly gue mau mengucap syukur yang sedalam-dalamnya sama Tuhan karena gue dilahirkan di Indonesia dengan bahasa yang menyenangkan dimana kita tidak perlu tahu kursi itu laki-laki atau perempuan.
Atau netral..
So today I went to Rumah Bahasa, dari namanya aja udah keliatan, that is a place for learning language. I met some native speakers and they are so unique that I want to be friends with them so much!
First I met Max. Native yang ngajarin bahasa Jerman ini sangat pecicilan di kelas, dia nggak berhenti2 mainin spidol sambil jelasin materi dan sebentar-sebentar menyesap kopi hitamnya. Unluckily, Englishnya belum sempurna, aksen Jermannya masih sangat kental dan bikin gue dan Vinni bingung. Oia, dia bisa bahasa Indonesia, broken Indonesian lebih tepatnya.
Laku ada native dari Perancis yang cool dan charming <3 namanya Pascal, gawatnya dia nggak bisa bahasa Indonesia so I should listen to him carefully since French is extremely complicated to be pronounced. Untungnya his English is just perfectly fine dan gue sangat betah ikut kelas dia.
Actually sebelum masuk kelas French gue sempet masuk ke kelas Jepang. Akhirnya ketemu guru Indonesia, masih muda dan ternyata cuma beda 3 tahun sama gue. Namanya Joshua. Bukan Joshua yang nyanyi Diobok-Obok yang itu. Joshua ini orangnya friendly dan cerdassss serta lucky karena dia sering kedapetan job di backstage kalo boyband Korea lagi manggung disini, I also want to be friend with him so bad >< kapan lagi punya temen yang banyak channel kayak dia huhuhu...
Next kita mampir di kelas KOREAAAAAAAA~ disini sonsaengnimnya sangay unyu, penampilannya mirip ahjussi-ahjussi pinter dari Korea beneran, ternyata dia orang Indo asli yang udah kerja di Korea for 8 years dan karena kelas yang gue masukin udah lanjut sampai chapter 23, gue blank, dan collapse karena sudah terlalu banyak menerima bahasa. So far so fun. Anyway namanya Kevin.
Kelas terakhir adalah kelasnya Mr.David, English Conversation for Advance yang gue dan Vinni sebenernya nggak yakin buat free trial di kelas ini, tapi karena jadwal si Pascal bentrok (IYA HARUSNYA KITA KETEMU PASCAL LAGI DI ENGLISH CONVERSATION TAPI TUHAN BERKATA LAIN HIKSSS). Mr. David ini already old and more like grandfather. Strong grandfather. I like him, too! Speakingnya oke but the voice is a little bit low jadi harus tetep fokus padahal udah hampir pingsan hahaha bercanda........ :|
And nowwww, here I am, forgetting about the final exam which will I face next week :3
Today is just too fun.I can't sleep!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
The happiest feeling happens to me right now.
AKM 1, one of the bitches subject that I hate a lot forever and ever, I passed it.
Meskipun dengan kedua nilai UTS dan UAS yang menjijikan, gw tertolong dengan nilai harian yang super gemilang. Dan dengan bantuan doa syafaat pendetanya Nensi plus doa gw tiap malam sama Tuhan, doa gue dikabulkan...............................
Life goes on, gw terjebak dengan dosen yang sama yang ngajarin gue AKM 1 di AKM 2 ini.
The point is, I must struggle really hard and pray a lot since asdos kali ini super payah dan nggak bisa diharapkan, no hope if I may say the truth....
Tapi gue tetep bersyukur dengan nilai AKM gue yang mengenaskan ini, plus nilai pengantar kewirausahaan gue yang bersinar like a diamond, kalo gue ngga salah ngga ambil jurusan akuntansi, tapi manajemen.
May God read this and hear my voice inside my heart so gue bisa dilancarkan buat nerusin studi di bidang manajemen ini.
Special Thanks to Jesus Christ yang udah ngeliat usaha gue belajar AKM 1 untuk UAS lalu dan ngeliat kemirisan hati gue begitu di ruang ujian ngeliat soal yang keluar jenisnya beda semua.
Too blessed to be stressed...
AKM 1, one of the bitches subject that I hate a lot forever and ever, I passed it.
Meskipun dengan kedua nilai UTS dan UAS yang menjijikan, gw tertolong dengan nilai harian yang super gemilang. Dan dengan bantuan doa syafaat pendetanya Nensi plus doa gw tiap malam sama Tuhan, doa gue dikabulkan...............................
Life goes on, gw terjebak dengan dosen yang sama yang ngajarin gue AKM 1 di AKM 2 ini.
The point is, I must struggle really hard and pray a lot since asdos kali ini super payah dan nggak bisa diharapkan, no hope if I may say the truth....
Tapi gue tetep bersyukur dengan nilai AKM gue yang mengenaskan ini, plus nilai pengantar kewirausahaan gue yang bersinar like a diamond, kalo gue ngga salah ngga ambil jurusan akuntansi, tapi manajemen.
May God read this and hear my voice inside my heart so gue bisa dilancarkan buat nerusin studi di bidang manajemen ini.
Special Thanks to Jesus Christ yang udah ngeliat usaha gue belajar AKM 1 untuk UAS lalu dan ngeliat kemirisan hati gue begitu di ruang ujian ngeliat soal yang keluar jenisnya beda semua.
Too blessed to be stressed...
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Ragusa Italian Ice Cream
Last week gue dan temen-temen 7tildrop berkelana keliling Jakarta naik mobil Andri, walaupun menurut gue dia mesti belajar lagi nyetirnya, kita selamat sampai tujuan o:)
Tema nya adalah kuliner es krim, jadi menurut browser, tempat jual es yang beda dari es-es lain adalah bertempat di Jalan Veteran 1 no 20 samping masjid Istiqlal Jakarta *sampe hapal alamatnya*
Kita kesana hari Sabtu dan keputusan itu adalah salah besar!!!!!
Karena hari libur, kita jadi nggak kebagian tempat duduk dan akhirnya milih makan es krim di mobilnya Andri.
Miris sih, tapi ngga apa-apa, soalnya es krimnya enakkk~
Theeeeeen, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Kota Tua, tapi nggak sempet banyak foto di bangunannya karena kita nggak berani lama-lama disitu, entah kenapa disana auranya nggak gitu enak, banyak abang-abang nongkrong.
Tapi kita sempet foto sama bapak pejuang ini:
It was fun as usual! Everything I do with these guys is nice :)
Last week gue dan temen-temen 7tildrop berkelana keliling Jakarta naik mobil Andri, walaupun menurut gue dia mesti belajar lagi nyetirnya, kita selamat sampai tujuan o:)
Tema nya adalah kuliner es krim, jadi menurut browser, tempat jual es yang beda dari es-es lain adalah bertempat di Jalan Veteran 1 no 20 samping masjid Istiqlal Jakarta *sampe hapal alamatnya*
Kita kesana hari Sabtu dan keputusan itu adalah salah besar!!!!!
Karena hari libur, kita jadi nggak kebagian tempat duduk dan akhirnya milih makan es krim di mobilnya Andri.
Miris sih, tapi ngga apa-apa, soalnya es krimnya enakkk~
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Habis makan es krim dilanjutkan dengan sesi foto di sepanjang jalan veteran, banyak kafe bagusss (meskipun keliatannya sepi pengunjung) |
Theeeeeen, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Kota Tua, tapi nggak sempet banyak foto di bangunannya karena kita nggak berani lama-lama disitu, entah kenapa disana auranya nggak gitu enak, banyak abang-abang nongkrong.
Tapi kita sempet foto sama bapak pejuang ini:
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XD |
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Lately Late
Excuse all my lateness, blog! But two days ago there was flood! And I trapped inside my dorm. And because it was my 1st experience I got panic >.< my imaginations went crazy, I can't swim so what if the water comes inside my dorm and we all here death by drowning etcetc...
Thanks Jesus everything is now fine here.. I beg it to God to stop the rain. I wish I was at home two days ago :'(
Yesterday, January 18th, 2013 is my 1st year anniversary with Kenny too!
Sadly, the weather still a little bad and Gading is full of water so we couldn't go anywhere.. (Now I can see the land finally)
It's Kenny who made the pic XD
Pretty good ;)
Well, I think this is good bcs I've never been in a year relationship with anybody. (LOL I have many good reasons, don't judge :p)
Hopefully for the best o:) <3
Todayyyy, I should start studying again, will face the exam (does it come too fast?) next week and I should be ready since my grade was lower at last mid-term (not in all subject but mostly at everything related to accounting), so now the time has come to fix all of the bad grade I got *sigh*
PS: I'm trying to myself to be a good and on time blogger from now on. HA!
Thanks Jesus everything is now fine here.. I beg it to God to stop the rain. I wish I was at home two days ago :'(
Yesterday, January 18th, 2013 is my 1st year anniversary with Kenny too!
Sadly, the weather still a little bad and Gading is full of water so we couldn't go anywhere.. (Now I can see the land finally)
It's Kenny who made the pic XD
Pretty good ;)
Well, I think this is good bcs I've never been in a year relationship with anybody. (LOL I have many good reasons, don't judge :p)
Hopefully for the best o:) <3
Todayyyy, I should start studying again, will face the exam (does it come too fast?) next week and I should be ready since my grade was lower at last mid-term (not in all subject but mostly at everything related to accounting), so now the time has come to fix all of the bad grade I got *sigh*
PS: I'm trying to myself to be a good and on time blogger from now on. HA!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Lateness~ No no not at all
So, I've been a bad blogger again. Haha don't care! Been busy for stuff and home >.<
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :*
Today's still third day of 2013. Never too late! HAHA.
CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 22th 2012 @ Vinny's home
That is a routined-activity that we held before Christmas. We gathered at one of our friends home and make a small party to celebrate Christmas, eventhou some of us are not Catholic, but we are glad to make this tiny event XD. Vinny and Andri are Buddhist, Hania is Moslem, just so you know ;) and the rest of us Catholic :D
What we did there?
We made games!
Vinny, Dedew, and I were the MC (too much, I know, who cares? ;)) and the rest would follow our regulations during the games XD
Those pictures were taken before we started.
and this one is after we played:
All wearing the right DC include Hania! Actually the DC were white/green/red :D
Having so much fun, we continued to had lunch--or late lunch-- @ PH. YAAY...
What a full-happiness-day!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :*
Today's still third day of 2013. Never too late! HAHA.
CHRISTMAS PARTY DECEMBER 22th 2012 @ Vinny's home
That is a routined-activity that we held before Christmas. We gathered at one of our friends home and make a small party to celebrate Christmas, eventhou some of us are not Catholic, but we are glad to make this tiny event XD. Vinny and Andri are Buddhist, Hania is Moslem, just so you know ;) and the rest of us Catholic :D
What we did there?
We made games!
Vinny, Dedew, and I were the MC (too much, I know, who cares? ;)) and the rest would follow our regulations during the games XD
Those pictures were taken before we started.
and this one is after we played:
All wearing the right DC include Hania! Actually the DC were white/green/red :D
Having so much fun, we continued to had lunch--or late lunch-- @ PH. YAAY...
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yeah.. |
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Must Watch!
Again, Disney made an awesome movie..
HAHAHAHA this is hilarious, fun, and adorable movie to be watched! I can't stop replying the ost of this movie. This taught us to be proud of ourselves and love the way we are. Because everyone is SPECIAL! If you are bad at one thing, you must be GREAT at another. So never ever be jealous of anybody because it can make you look greedy and more like evil.
You must see by yourself, this is really woth to watch...! <3333 It can make you feel so special and thankful for who you are because not everyone can be like you. You are special, unique, and limited! And have talent too! ><
I feel great after watching this.
HAHAHAHA this is hilarious, fun, and adorable movie to be watched! I can't stop replying the ost of this movie. This taught us to be proud of ourselves and love the way we are. Because everyone is SPECIAL! If you are bad at one thing, you must be GREAT at another. So never ever be jealous of anybody because it can make you look greedy and more like evil.
You must see by yourself, this is really woth to watch...! <3333 It can make you feel so special and thankful for who you are because not everyone can be like you. You are special, unique, and limited! And have talent too! ><
I feel great after watching this.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
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