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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lately Late

Excuse all my lateness, blog! But two days ago there was flood! And I trapped inside my dorm. And because it was my 1st experience I got panic >.< my imaginations went crazy, I can't swim so what if the water comes inside my dorm and we all here death by drowning etcetc...
Thanks Jesus everything is now fine here.. I beg it to God to stop the rain. I wish I was at home two days ago :'(
Yesterday, January 18th, 2013 is my 1st year anniversary with Kenny too!
Sadly, the weather still a little bad and Gading is full of water so we couldn't go anywhere.. (Now I can see the land finally)
It's Kenny who made the pic XD
Pretty good ;)
Well, I think this is good bcs I've never been in a year relationship with anybody. (LOL I have many good reasons, don't judge :p)
Hopefully for the best o:) <3
Todayyyy, I should start studying again, will face the exam (does it come too fast?) next week and I should be ready since my grade was lower at last mid-term (not in all subject but mostly at everything related to accounting), so now the time has come to fix all of the bad grade I got *sigh*

PS: I'm trying to myself to be a good and on time blogger from now on. HA!

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