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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Minggu-minggu kelabu (baca: UAS) hampir selesai.
Banyak hal yang mau gue tulis tapi waktunya sempit.
Dimulai dari.... gue benci jerawat!
Iya, jadi ada jerawat di muka gue.. TT_TT oke ini emang biasa terjadi di kalangan anak remaja, jerawatnya juga nggak parah-parah banget yang sampe nutupin seluruh muka. Tapi kan.. Tapi kan....Tetep ajaaaa uhuhuhuhu~

Beberapa hari yang lalu...
 Nensi: "Eh..tunggu tunggu.. Ini ada yang salah. Kok Ines jerawatan?"
gue: O_O

Beberapa menit kemudian di lapangan...
 Agda: "Loh, kok Ines jerawatan?"
gue: /roll eyes/ /tinggalin pergi/

 Bu Retno: "Nes kok kamu sekarang jerawatan?"
 Gue: /senyum miris/
 Bu Retno: "Ahh pasti lagi jatuh cintaaaa..."
 Gue: /iya, sama Kim Jonghyun/ "Ahahaha ibu bisa aja.."

I don't like if people notice!!!

Gue benci poni cupu ini!!!
Jadi beberapa hari yang lalau gue potong poni, gue inget banget waktu mbak-nya ngeraih poni gue lagi padahal udah pendek.
Sumpah, gue udah mencoba mencegah, kata mbak-nya gini, "Iya sebentar, saya sasak dulu supaya terlihat lebih natural."
Gue pikir, okay, natural sounds good.
Tapi begitu selesai dan gue ngeliat kaca rasanya gue pingin teriak, "NATURAL BANGET MBAK!!!!!" terus nyakar muka dia -__-
I think I'm going to cut my hair, too.
It's getting long...
Kayaknya gue mimpi aja punya rambut panjang, soalnya rambut gue ini meskipun lurus (banget. terlalu lurus malah) tapi gampang berantakan, jadi short is the best way.

I MISS Kim Jonghyun.

I'm on my way to create my own story.
Setelah sekian lama nggak pernah bikin lagi, entah kenapa kemarin waktu gue selesai nonton short movie-nya Raditya Dika, gue pingin nulis lagi.
Semoga kali ini bakalan selesai. Dan nggak bernasib sama seperti cerita yang sudah-sudah: ditelantarkan di tengah jalan.
Well, I'm going to sign off soon and studying for tomorrow's subject.
Wish me luck at everything.
I still have a long long journey after all....

Saturday, March 19, 2011


afgsdacsjsgssjahss you know how it's feel?


When you were on your way to answer the question, you know exactly what the answer and then you choose the WRONG option.
It feels like.....IDIOT!

Yes I'm mad at myself right now!!!

Hw could I be SOOOO CARELESS >>>>////<<<<


Friday, March 11, 2011

Pray For Japan

Pray For This Whole World....
It's hard to get a bad news. But, let's move on, we know we have God.

Pray For Japan

Pray For This Whole World....
It's hard to get a bad news. But, let's move on, we know we have God.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hmmm.... Let's see what can I share here..
First, I want to say that several days ago, my phone got service and I lost all my contact number on my phone.
That was really svck, you know? -..-
I have to change my number which I had used since 5 years and told it to all my friends :( you know, I couldn't reach all of them TT__TT I don't wanna loose the contact with them~

Wait, actually I want to post some picture here..
But blog doesn't allow me :'(
The picture I've uploaded always broken. Anybody knows what should I do to make it fine?
Help, please...