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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Libur telah tiba! ULALA~
But this holiday will be different than another old holiday.
I have stuff to do, a lot!
So I'll be inactive for about several weeks dan will come and bring either good or bad story.

Stay awsum!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Beberapa hari ini gue lagi deket banget sama salah satu temen gue yang cacat. Namanya Dedew. Nama aslinya Dewi Komalasari. Dia sering mampir ke kosan dan kita nonton RUNNING MAN!
Berhubung kita juga masih UAS (kemaren, sekarang sih engga. Hahah) jadi ada acara belajar bareng juga.
One time gue bikin statement yang membuat Dedew dan Kenny mungkin terenyuh.

Jadi ceritanya kita lagi makan di Burger King...

Dedew: "Haduh, lama -lama slogan kita I Love Junkfood juga nih..."
Gue:     "Iya nih dua hari makan junkfood. Ga sehat. Huhu."
Kenny:   /omnomnomnomnom/
Gue:     "Gue kangen makan telur goreng.."
Dedew:  /mata berkaca-kaca/ "Yaampunn... Nanti gue bawain deh..."
Kenny:  "Astaga... Telor?"

Dan bener aja, keesokan harinya Dedew menawarkan buat bawain telur dari rumahnya + nasi.
Bahkan Kenny bawa teflon kecil yang ada di rumahnya buat masak di kosan, sama bawa margarine.
Terus kita tepatnya Dedew masak telur gorengnya....

Akhirnya kita makan bertiga, tapi karena nasinya kebanyakan akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk membeli tahu-tempe-perkedel.
Maybe it's just a really plain food but I miss the taste so bad haha! That's why I was so satisfied at that time.
Thank you, guys. I appreciate it a lot!



Two subjects already out and I get straight A. Wohoooo~ Thanks Jesus!
What a day~
Jangan ada yang C plisplisplisplis /fingercross/
Long holiday is coming and I will try to make some schedule instead :p

Now I'm doing fine and gonna update something interesting to me :D

Monday, June 18, 2012

Being Obsessed (Again)

Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god! 

Who doesn't know that song?
LOL yeaaaaay I'm obsessed with these girls

Remember now?
And, and, I don't know it is normal or not BUT this is the first time for me to adore a girlband from Korea! I don't even really like Girl's Generation.
I like Sistar but only like, not getting crazy like I watch them!
Especially this one

LOL sorry but I really like her since she is the model of Etude and more often be in video with SHINee >w<
Trust me I'm straight but I REAAAALLLYYYYY like her kyakyakyakyaaaa!!!!
And if I were a  boy, she would be my ideal girl type /winkwinkwinkwink/
Oh and I will give my future daughter name Sandara too \o/////

Annyeong, Goodbye, Adios!

Doubt....Bored....Every Bad Thing Attacks......

I'm afraid I'm in the wrong place to learn like seriously.. How could I suppose to survive kalo setiap ujian akuntansi kayak gini terus kejadiannya T___T
Ok, let me tell you. Hari ini ujian Akuntansi Dasar Keuangan II. Dan gue merasa fail sefail-failnya. Sigh.....
Campur kesel juga by the way.
Rasanya usaha gue untuk berdamai dengan mata pelajaran itu selalu luntur dan rapuh ketika berhadapan dengan soal ujian yang susahnya ngga ada obat.
Let me affirm that I actually take management major in this college and I didn't know before that gue tetep harus berhadapan dengan mata pelajaran yang sebenarnya gue hindari.....
Gimana iniiii....
Nggak lucu juga kalau sampai sekarang gue masih ngegalauin apa yang udah gue pilih sejak dulu. Sejak gue menetapkan gue akan kuliah di jurusan manajemen tanpa gue mengetahui kalau jurusan itu juga membutuhkan keahlian accounting. You know how I hate accounting and everything that related to number that much....
Lihat catatan gue sekarang yang penuh dengan angka...
Deep sigh.....


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happens To Me Every Exam

Okay, I should've learned instead of being here since I'm still on my exam. But let me tell you that I'm kinda bored and hungry here. Well, actually I've just ate a plate of noodle but I don't want kinda food. I miss my mom's cuisine!
Soooo, I've been a student since years ago... LOL okay this is too much and weird.

-Elementary School: 6 years
-Junior High School: 3 years
-Senior High School: 3 years

Total is 12 years and now I'm still being a student. College student exactly, facing about three and half years later to graduate (and then my last name will be added with, S.E)

Don't you feel bored too?!
Geez... I do!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

He Can Be My "It" Boy

Let me introduce you more about a guy who I often mention the name before :D

It was an old photo of him that I like the most! With the long hair and sleepy eyes bcs he just woke up from sleep (and I wonder why he took a photo)
He changed his haircut by the way. Totally different and new. But I still like him anyways ^^
So, here is the new Kenny

See the difference?
Okay I think this is the wrong picture I choose bcs in fact he looks more mature now. He got several haircuts and his face will change depends on his haircut he use.
LOL sorcery!

So, as I remember, we were just the two of friends, common friends. And as time goes by we got closer bcs of his sense of humor. You can see it by this:


He ALWAYS gives the camera his weird and funny face everytime we will take pictures. It will take forever to get such a good photo with good expression

 See? :D Overall I really like to take photos with him bcs the result must be good and cute, agree?

 Ignore the headband he used that made he is more like a ninja for me.
The relation was really good in the beginning. We asked each other once about what would make us fight and didn't know the answer.
But nowww, we already knew the answer (--,)
He makes me so upset sometimes and vice versa. I did this and he didn't like. He did that, I didn't agree.
Well, that is relationship. The more we know about each other, the more we love at each other too.



Stupid Mistake Accepted

Gue baru aja mencoba mengganti template blog ini since I'm getting bored and I think this blog needs some grooming but failed. Entahlah, gue udah yakin mengikuti step by step dari tutorial tapi ngga tau kenapa cuma berubah dikit dan susunannya jadi ngaco -..-
I think I need blog designer deh yang bisa bikin blog ini lebih keliatan sophisticated or glamour dan nggak nerd kayak gini :3
Sepi sepi gimanaaa gitu huhu :(
Untung akhirnya bisa balik jadi normal lagi. How I wonder why I'm really really clumsy but lucky at the same time, eh? LOL

Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Setelah tas yang lama dibilang sudah kotor dan 'ngga bagus'-kalau-tidak-mau-disebut-jelek- sama mama--padahal sih menurut gue masih enak dipake--
Yesterday I bought this one :D
I actually already had an affair from a week ago, I just took a look for "bag hunting" with my mom and I found this unique! So I decided to buy this ahahahahaha.
I'm not a Harajuku-Lovers but I don't know why this thing seems interesting in me! Well, mebbe bcs of the simple but cute design that's why I like ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012


Gue ngga ngerti sama apa yang ada di pikiran si dosen pembuat soal ujian Statbis hari ini.

Idk I'm feeling beat up -__-

Sunday, June 10, 2012

H-1 Statistika Bisnis

Now let's sleep and pray for the best result.
Terimakasih buat kertas Angry Bird yang udah rela dicorat-coret. Kasur yang berantakan seharian, ayo kita tidur. Kalkulator, Modul, Buku Paket, Tempat Pensil, semua masuk ke tas...!!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

W I S H E S. M E M O R I E S. H O P E S.

Everyone has at least one wish in this life.
Sometimes the wish seems impossible.
Ngga ada salahnya punya wishes yang aneh bin ajaib.
Contohnya gue, kalo lagi bosen dan kesel dan suntuk sama keseharian gue sekarang, gue sering banget berharap bisa kembali ke masa dulu, dan mungkin terjebak sekitar tiga sampai lima jam di masa itu.
Masa SMA. Dimana gue lagi jatuh cinta sejatuh-jatuh nya sama orang Korea ini

dan teman-temannya
Dan masa-masa gue lagi hobi-hobinya bertingkah insane bareng bocah ini:

I thought everything will be different. In fact it really be. But not everysingle thing.
Tapi nggak semuanya.
Buktinya sampai sekarang gue masih jadi fangirl gila yang suka histeris kalau nonton SHINee di youtube atau ngeliat foto mereka di mana aja--bahkan meskipun cuma di poster Etude--.
Gue berubah. Asha berubah. (jadi power ranger pink) Tapi persahabatan kita nggak berubah :")
To be honest, tadinya gue pikir kita bakalan jadi jauh dan maybe lose contact. Tapi thanks God, we don't. Kita tetep gila kalau chatting via bbm. Tetep suka tuker-tukeran info. Tetep sayang sama biasnya masing-masing.

But that is life. Gue juga ngga bisa maksa siapapun supaya balikin waktu gue ke masa SMA dulu.
It WAS. And it was really priceless for me.
Gue sama Asha hampir 4 tahun sahabatan dan sampai sekarang emang ngga ada yang gantiin bocah tengil nyebelin yang suka joget-joget ngga jelas itu \\\o///

Lelaki tampan yang paling macho se-SHINee itu udah punya akun twitter sekarang. Dia udah jadi anak gaul, tapi tetep nyolot -..- dan gue ngga akan berhenti ngefans sama dia. EVER!

OVERALL, I love my past. I love the memories that we shared. I wish our friendship with Asha last forever and SHINee keep famous but stay humble.



Mungkin ini adalah pilihan yang tepat buat nggak bermalam-mingguan bareng Kenny. Haha!
Mengingat Senin udah mulai UAS dan mata kuliahya adalah Statisika Bisnis. Yea, meskipun bukan Statistika gue juga akan lebih memilih diem di kos-an buat mantengin materinya :3
Actually, I have studied from afternoon, about 13.00 until 17.00 and I am so dizzy right now.
Cara belajar yang salah sih hehehe jangan ditiru :s
Entah kenapa semangat gue baru berkibar hari ini... Kemarin-kemarin sih biasa aja :P

Oke, sepertinya gue akan memutuskan untuk menghabiskan masker Etude yang masih ada dari 3 minggu yang lalu yeay!
I really deserve it tonight :D


Thursday, June 7, 2012


Belakangan ini Kenny sering mencekoki gue dengan lagu-lagu barat, mengingat pengetahuan lagu Korea gue lebih dominan daripada lagu baratnya. Salah satu band barat yang nyangkut di gue adalah ONE DIRECTION. KYAAAAA........!
You must hear one song from them, I like that the most.
Judulnya What Makes You Beautiful :D

Lagunya easy going dan mereka berlima juga punya suara yang khas. Yang jelas mereka nggak norak dan sangat berkualitas :***

Browse and hear, then...!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I went to see MIB today and found it marvelous! XD 

Will Smith is baaack.... and you guys SHOULD see how incredible he was in this movie. He is always incredible actually but I, personally, really like his action here.
The story was somehow between ridiculous and touching in the end.
Oh and I found some gentle and cute man also, Griffin!

He said that "A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway."

So, I think I got some lesson from today's movie too and it can be related to our daily life.
First, we can't change the past, it can only happen in movie but as the change, we can always fix the present for a better future.
Second, it's good to want to know about anything but don't be over analyze if you can't find the answer. Maybe you will know later or maybe you really don't need to know. And it's okay.
Third,  miracle exists, it's not like the real magic you can see in every movie but here in our reality, it happens when we believe and be patient.

Watch, and learn. You will love it!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Malam Apresiasi

Tanggal 1 Juni kemarin, Senat Mahasiswa (SEMA) IBII ngadain Mapres.
Mapres itu singkatan dari Malam Apresiasi dimana audience-nya adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswi IBII yang masuk dalam berbagai macam Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM).

Nah, dari sekian banyaknya UKM yang ada di IBII ini, I'm the part of Finance Group of IBII (FGI).
UKM segitiga ungu ini emang pretty famous dengan banyaknya event yang udah diselenggarain.

So, di Mapres itu, we had so much fun!
Banyak yang ngisi acara mulai dari band sampai band lagi.
Setiap UKM juga dikasih penghargaan/apresiasi atas kerjasama dan partisipasinya selama di IBII bersama SEMA.
Well, puncak acaranya itu ada di akhir, which is pengumuman pemenang best event 2012. Kandidatnya ada banyak banget mulai dari UKM Kerohanian, Badan Otonom, sampai Pendidikan.
Dan FGI yang termasuk dalam UKM Pendidikan masuk sebagai salah satu kandidatnya YEEEEY....

Actually, we didn't expect much since we thought that our event was only good, not very good.

Tapi Tuhan berkata lain...

Thanks God, we got it! WOHOOO~
Setelah diumumin kalo kita jadi pemenang best event, kesukubarbar-an kita langsung keliatan, kita langsung loncat-loncat ke depan terus asik foto-foto :D


Yang pegang bingkai dan berdiri di barisan atas itu namanya Doni, dia wakil ketua event Job Fair.
Mana ketuanya?
Itu yang pegang bingkai di baris ke-dua.
LOL And they couldn't say anything but smile :)
Yang paling penting, semua senaaaaaaang \\\\o////

Congratulations, FGI, our hard works really worth it in the end :D

Salam Ungu :*