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Don't let the reality ruins your dreams~

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Then I'm not responsible for their injuries.
I hate being tickled.
That's the most ridiculous awful thing in the world.
The moment when you want to laugh and cry at the same time.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today. Boredom Hits Me.



I was bored at class today.
The lecturer is asdfghjkl I couldn't be as focus as usual.
So I doodle!

I know I'm not good at drawing but at least I can doodle. LOL 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trust Me, It Works

Because it works.
It totally does!

God has ears. He will never let you down.
But remember something, when He seems like doesn't hear you, when it seems like impossible, it doesn't mean He ignores you.
He has another plan, and it will be worth it in the end.


This Kiddo Has A Bf!

"My student who never wanted to be in a relationship and so spoilt finally has a boyfriend."  -Ms.Eka

Friday, February 10, 2012

Badai Telah Berlalu

Dua minggu terakhir ini UAS berlangsung.
Dan UAS kali ini nggak sama kayak waktu UAS di SMA. Ngga ada yang namanya belajar sendirian, pasti belajar kelompok. Ngga ada yang namanya tidur jam 10 malem, pasti tidur di atas jam 12. Ngapain? Begadang. Belajar! Belajar kelompok masih belum cukup, bro..
Ngga ada yang namanya pulang langsung tidur siang, review, man!
Dan ngga ada soal yang nggak ngeselin.
Semuaaaaaanya rata-rata mengesalkan dan bahkan ada satu mata kuliah yang berhasil bikin gue nangis bombay..

AKD 1.

Udah ngorbanin waktu tidur malem yang amat sangat berharga, sampe kelas tiba-tiba blank.
Sial banget. Gue salah nulis jawaban di lembar jawabnya. Bagian 4 gue tulis di bagian 5, sebagian dari bagian 4 gue tulis di bagian 4, bagian 5 gue tulis di bagian 4,  sebagian dari bagain 5 gue tulis di bagian 5.
Dan gue baru nyadar saat waktu yang kesisa tinggal dikit lagi. Alhasil gue panik dan ngga bisa fokus sama soal selanjutnya yang masih berhubungan sama soal 4 dan 5 itu which are pointnya sangat besar.

It was totally a hurricane, nightmare, svck things to me at that time!

Sampe sekarang gue ngga ngerti sama result gue nantinya...
I just can pray and hope that everything will be alright in the end.
Srsly, malesin banget ngga sih kalo sampe harus ngulang AKD 1. Pelajaran masa lalu yang menyebalkan itu..

But thank God, it's all end now..

At least I can fix my sleep-cycle yang pastinya bakal berguna buat kesehatan gue yang secara langsung ngga langsung berpengaruh sama nasib gue di semester 2 nanti. Kalo jam biologis gue kacau, gimana bisa belajar?
Hell yea!

And..And... I'm gonna spend this weekend with my guises watching movie. Yeah! Me Gusta..

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I'm still alive, don't worry. I was just too busy with blah blah blah college stuff until I couldn't touch this site anymore.
So, I come here with a very latest thing that happens several days ago.


Yuup. The girl in pink holding a friggin' delicious cake is Vinnie <3

So, we decided to surprise her by hiding at her own room while she hadn't come home yet :p
Then when she came and opened the door.


*you-know-what-happened-then, yeah-we-sang-took pictures-ate the cake-took pictures-played Barbie-and-so-on-the-writer-is-now-too-sleepy-to-explain-single-thing-like-usual-so-bye!*