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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Must Watch!

Again, Disney made an awesome movie..

HAHAHAHA this is hilarious, fun, and adorable movie to be watched! I can't stop replying the ost of this movie. This taught us to be proud of ourselves and love the way we are. Because everyone is SPECIAL! If you are bad at one thing, you must be GREAT at another. So never ever be jealous of anybody because it can make you look greedy and more like evil.
You must see by yourself, this is really woth to watch...! <3333 It can make you feel so special and thankful for who you are because not everyone can be like you. You are special, unique, and limited! And have talent too! ><
I feel great after watching this.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Feeling Good

I wish I could own every cute little things in this world in my pocket.

Dear God

Couldn't you please make my parents stay forever like in their age now?

Thank you..

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thank God they add melon!

So I'm craving for salad tonight.
No, I'm not in my diet mode or what. I suddenly just want to eat a lot of veggies. That's why I order salad.
It contains 6 kind of vegetables and 1 kind of fruit!
There are tomatoes, broccolies, corns, lettuce, bean sprouts, cabbage, and carrots!
Sounds healthy?
Yes, but the taste of the mayonnaise is a little bit....bad :/ it's too sweet I guess. So the overall taste is like....weird. But thank God they add melon!!! So it can neutralize the 'yackie' taste.
Then I'm considering for being a vegetarian :3

Nighty, tomatoes <3 I'm going to continue learning

I'm Considering My Semi-Curly Hair Now

New Look On Blog!

YAYYY~ Finally my blog is well-organized  \^0^/
Thanks to VJ

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Oh God, Why?

Okay, so I'm actually in the middle of learning. I knoooow, mid term hasn't finished but today is weekend and I should spend all day long learning "Perkin" (Perekonomian Indonesia), with the weird lecturer, what did I get for 7 weeks attend his class?
I made one presentation with my friends and the rest we spent it with laughing and giggling.Lol. We are being such a jerk at his class only. THE WHOLE CLASS.
And because of his mistake we should learn from internet and here I am~ blogging all the way..........
Moreover, drizzle outside... The weather is so good to sleep =__=
GOD I want the mid term ends soon!


Friday, November 2, 2012

Heavy Weeks

Mid-term test was coming.
Today is the last for the first week. I did some silly mistake when it related to accounting and did some awesomeness when it doesn't related to.
What do I do? I feel lost.............in this school of business. We don't learn about business (well yes) but we do most in Maths, counting something, making journal. And it is BORING like hell!


Oh well I finally got one subject that matches a lot with me!
It is "Introduction To Entrepreneurship"
\^.^/ :***
I think I will be an entrepreneur in the future ;)
I will open a boutique, everyone will shop til drop and be happy all day long :D
I also will make a tiny cafetaria, all menu will be low fat and healthy so people don't need to go to the hospital. LOL sorry doctor!


Boredom hits!


Happy Friends Means Happy Me!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

: )

I was taking a look of my faceboook then found some pics that made me remember about my past....
I mean, life in the past.
That was lots of fun!
Tyas,Monic,I. We were just JHS students at that time


Being volunteer @ Gandaria City!

SHS last grade

SHS first grade


BESTIE! <3 @Botanical Garden, Tourist Hunting (SHS last grade)
@ college; 1st semester
the yellow one! several weeks ago @Carita, Makrab FGI <3
Life goes by...
I meet new people called "friends"
Nothing has changed, it's just different now.

The question is,
Would the 5 years old you be proud of you now?

Mine is yes : )

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today Wasn't A Fairytale!

Today was my birthday~
Ignore that broken 9
Hello, fellas!
This is my birthday cake <3 My bf and girlfriends gave me special surprise this afternoon at our canteen.
Well, we used to give a surprise party in H+++ someone's birthday. But todayyyy, they give me surprise on September 29th :") It's my birthday!
I got shock somehow when suddenly Kenny, Cella, and Hani came and brought a beautiful rainbow cake while clapping hands and singing Happy Birthday to me, and suddenly people at canteen clapped their hands without any command. LOL.
AAAAAND......I had another surprise from my beloved division "Lomba" in FGI. They prepared some gifts to me <3
This is from boyfie<3

Ignore the mess bed

I feel so blessed that God gives me a lot of friends and they laft me! <3
As I'm getting mature (not old), I will try to be a better girl with a great personality and have a faith in God.

Have a great one!
Nighty, chocolates~


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another Great Experience Happened!

Latihan Pengembangan Kepemimpinan yang diadakan oleh FGI IBII dalam rangka merekrut anggota baru tahun 2012-2013 telah selesai dilaksanakan!
Semua capek. Semua senang.
PS: photos will come soon ;)
Well, time really flies like rocket. Last year gue dan teman-teman yang jadi peserta. Sekarang kita yang jadi panitia. Sebagai anak acara /cough/ /proud/ /cough/ gue dan Walter Wisnu--->partner acara saya yang gaul. bersusah payah membuat segala macam yang berhubungan dengan acara agar semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.
Well, problem is our bestfriend, so, sebenernya masih ada beberapa hal yang missed karena saking banyaknya yang harus dikerjakan.
Belum lagi kita harus menghadapi beberapa peserta yang kayak princess XD.
But....everything ended up happily! <3
We serve the best, because "Professionality is our Personality" :))
Experience is really the best teacher in life.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Random Thought

I was just sitting and letting my iTunes played random song. I was a bit hungry that I grabbed my snack inside of my drawer and then tried to open the wrap as soon as possible. I couldn't open it easily so I tried to open it from the bottom side and kept trying to open it but it didn't work.
I reached to the up side and again, tried to ripped it as hard as I could.
Nothing happened. I got pissed off (easily). LOL.

So I decided to use my scissors to help me out.
Of course, the wrap could be opened easily! >__<

Then I realized something.
In life, we used to do all things by ourselves and we'll be happy and proud if we can solve the problem easily without others trying to help.
But sometimes in life, when we already tried our best to work it out and things are not getting better, we need someone to help too, someone stronger and wiser to overcome our problem. Selfish is not good and accepting people for the better future is good. You always deserve a help when you already tried your best.
Anyway this snack is so good I'm eating this crazily. Nomnom...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Its Own Way

Malem ini timeline twitter sedang ramai oleh ucapan syukur buat mereka yang baru aja dinyatakan lulus SNMPTN.
Selamaaaaat..... :)))
Dan buat yang ngga lulus, it svck, really, but every bad thing has it's good side.
Perkenalkan, yang punya blog ini juga ngga lulus SNMPTN tahun lalu hueeee...Pedih! Rasanya itu.....sudahlah tidak usah dibahas...
Tapi mari kita lihat sekarang, yang punya blog seneng banget sama kehidupan di kampusnya yang sekarang. Meskipun ngga jadi kuliah di negeri, emang kenapa kalo kuliah di swasta? Semua itu cuma title, kok. 95%-nya ada di tangan individu masing-masing yang ngejalanin.
So, keep your chin up and giggle!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Libur telah tiba! ULALA~
But this holiday will be different than another old holiday.
I have stuff to do, a lot!
So I'll be inactive for about several weeks dan will come and bring either good or bad story.

Stay awsum!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Beberapa hari ini gue lagi deket banget sama salah satu temen gue yang cacat. Namanya Dedew. Nama aslinya Dewi Komalasari. Dia sering mampir ke kosan dan kita nonton RUNNING MAN!
Berhubung kita juga masih UAS (kemaren, sekarang sih engga. Hahah) jadi ada acara belajar bareng juga.
One time gue bikin statement yang membuat Dedew dan Kenny mungkin terenyuh.

Jadi ceritanya kita lagi makan di Burger King...

Dedew: "Haduh, lama -lama slogan kita I Love Junkfood juga nih..."
Gue:     "Iya nih dua hari makan junkfood. Ga sehat. Huhu."
Kenny:   /omnomnomnomnom/
Gue:     "Gue kangen makan telur goreng.."
Dedew:  /mata berkaca-kaca/ "Yaampunn... Nanti gue bawain deh..."
Kenny:  "Astaga... Telor?"

Dan bener aja, keesokan harinya Dedew menawarkan buat bawain telur dari rumahnya + nasi.
Bahkan Kenny bawa teflon kecil yang ada di rumahnya buat masak di kosan, sama bawa margarine.
Terus kita tepatnya Dedew masak telur gorengnya....

Akhirnya kita makan bertiga, tapi karena nasinya kebanyakan akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk membeli tahu-tempe-perkedel.
Maybe it's just a really plain food but I miss the taste so bad haha! That's why I was so satisfied at that time.
Thank you, guys. I appreciate it a lot!



Two subjects already out and I get straight A. Wohoooo~ Thanks Jesus!
What a day~
Jangan ada yang C plisplisplisplis /fingercross/
Long holiday is coming and I will try to make some schedule instead :p

Now I'm doing fine and gonna update something interesting to me :D

Monday, June 18, 2012

Being Obsessed (Again)

Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god! 

Who doesn't know that song?
LOL yeaaaaay I'm obsessed with these girls

Remember now?
And, and, I don't know it is normal or not BUT this is the first time for me to adore a girlband from Korea! I don't even really like Girl's Generation.
I like Sistar but only like, not getting crazy like I watch them!
Especially this one

LOL sorry but I really like her since she is the model of Etude and more often be in video with SHINee >w<
Trust me I'm straight but I REAAAALLLYYYYY like her kyakyakyakyaaaa!!!!
And if I were a  boy, she would be my ideal girl type /winkwinkwinkwink/
Oh and I will give my future daughter name Sandara too \o/////

Annyeong, Goodbye, Adios!

Doubt....Bored....Every Bad Thing Attacks......

I'm afraid I'm in the wrong place to learn like seriously.. How could I suppose to survive kalo setiap ujian akuntansi kayak gini terus kejadiannya T___T
Ok, let me tell you. Hari ini ujian Akuntansi Dasar Keuangan II. Dan gue merasa fail sefail-failnya. Sigh.....
Campur kesel juga by the way.
Rasanya usaha gue untuk berdamai dengan mata pelajaran itu selalu luntur dan rapuh ketika berhadapan dengan soal ujian yang susahnya ngga ada obat.
Let me affirm that I actually take management major in this college and I didn't know before that gue tetep harus berhadapan dengan mata pelajaran yang sebenarnya gue hindari.....
Gimana iniiii....
Nggak lucu juga kalau sampai sekarang gue masih ngegalauin apa yang udah gue pilih sejak dulu. Sejak gue menetapkan gue akan kuliah di jurusan manajemen tanpa gue mengetahui kalau jurusan itu juga membutuhkan keahlian accounting. You know how I hate accounting and everything that related to number that much....
Lihat catatan gue sekarang yang penuh dengan angka...
Deep sigh.....


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happens To Me Every Exam

Okay, I should've learned instead of being here since I'm still on my exam. But let me tell you that I'm kinda bored and hungry here. Well, actually I've just ate a plate of noodle but I don't want kinda food. I miss my mom's cuisine!
Soooo, I've been a student since years ago... LOL okay this is too much and weird.

-Elementary School: 6 years
-Junior High School: 3 years
-Senior High School: 3 years

Total is 12 years and now I'm still being a student. College student exactly, facing about three and half years later to graduate (and then my last name will be added with, S.E)

Don't you feel bored too?!
Geez... I do!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

He Can Be My "It" Boy

Let me introduce you more about a guy who I often mention the name before :D

It was an old photo of him that I like the most! With the long hair and sleepy eyes bcs he just woke up from sleep (and I wonder why he took a photo)
He changed his haircut by the way. Totally different and new. But I still like him anyways ^^
So, here is the new Kenny

See the difference?
Okay I think this is the wrong picture I choose bcs in fact he looks more mature now. He got several haircuts and his face will change depends on his haircut he use.
LOL sorcery!

So, as I remember, we were just the two of friends, common friends. And as time goes by we got closer bcs of his sense of humor. You can see it by this:


He ALWAYS gives the camera his weird and funny face everytime we will take pictures. It will take forever to get such a good photo with good expression

 See? :D Overall I really like to take photos with him bcs the result must be good and cute, agree?

 Ignore the headband he used that made he is more like a ninja for me.
The relation was really good in the beginning. We asked each other once about what would make us fight and didn't know the answer.
But nowww, we already knew the answer (--,)
He makes me so upset sometimes and vice versa. I did this and he didn't like. He did that, I didn't agree.
Well, that is relationship. The more we know about each other, the more we love at each other too.
