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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Must Watch!

Again, Disney made an awesome movie..

HAHAHAHA this is hilarious, fun, and adorable movie to be watched! I can't stop replying the ost of this movie. This taught us to be proud of ourselves and love the way we are. Because everyone is SPECIAL! If you are bad at one thing, you must be GREAT at another. So never ever be jealous of anybody because it can make you look greedy and more like evil.
You must see by yourself, this is really woth to watch...! <3333 It can make you feel so special and thankful for who you are because not everyone can be like you. You are special, unique, and limited! And have talent too! ><
I feel great after watching this.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Feeling Good

I wish I could own every cute little things in this world in my pocket.

Dear God

Couldn't you please make my parents stay forever like in their age now?

Thank you..

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thank God they add melon!

So I'm craving for salad tonight.
No, I'm not in my diet mode or what. I suddenly just want to eat a lot of veggies. That's why I order salad.
It contains 6 kind of vegetables and 1 kind of fruit!
There are tomatoes, broccolies, corns, lettuce, bean sprouts, cabbage, and carrots!
Sounds healthy?
Yes, but the taste of the mayonnaise is a little bit....bad :/ it's too sweet I guess. So the overall taste is like....weird. But thank God they add melon!!! So it can neutralize the 'yackie' taste.
Then I'm considering for being a vegetarian :3

Nighty, tomatoes <3 I'm going to continue learning

I'm Considering My Semi-Curly Hair Now

New Look On Blog!

YAYYY~ Finally my blog is well-organized  \^0^/
Thanks to VJ

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Oh God, Why?

Okay, so I'm actually in the middle of learning. I knoooow, mid term hasn't finished but today is weekend and I should spend all day long learning "Perkin" (Perekonomian Indonesia), with the weird lecturer, what did I get for 7 weeks attend his class?
I made one presentation with my friends and the rest we spent it with laughing and giggling.Lol. We are being such a jerk at his class only. THE WHOLE CLASS.
And because of his mistake we should learn from internet and here I am~ blogging all the way..........
Moreover, drizzle outside... The weather is so good to sleep =__=
GOD I want the mid term ends soon!


Friday, November 2, 2012

Heavy Weeks

Mid-term test was coming.
Today is the last for the first week. I did some silly mistake when it related to accounting and did some awesomeness when it doesn't related to.
What do I do? I feel lost.............in this school of business. We don't learn about business (well yes) but we do most in Maths, counting something, making journal. And it is BORING like hell!


Oh well I finally got one subject that matches a lot with me!
It is "Introduction To Entrepreneurship"
\^.^/ :***
I think I will be an entrepreneur in the future ;)
I will open a boutique, everyone will shop til drop and be happy all day long :D
I also will make a tiny cafetaria, all menu will be low fat and healthy so people don't need to go to the hospital. LOL sorry doctor!


Boredom hits!


Happy Friends Means Happy Me!!!!